longlegs movie


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What.A.Let down...
The true star of this movie was the trailers. They did an excellent job of hiding Nicolas cage face in every promo I saw. There was a trailer that was just a 2 minute scene of the movie where the main protagonist is questioning the killer in a room. It SHOWS this killer but his face is blurred out. YOU HAD MY ATTENTION! What excellent marketing, I HAD to know what was going on with his face and they really led me to believe something was going to be very strange about....Then I watched the movie.


The first couple minutes of the movie it shows his face. I will tell you what he looks like, as I don't really think it is much of a spoiler. He looks like a regular guy. Sure, he is a little ugly, but just a guy, nothing odd, no surprises, not what I was lead to believe in the trailers. This can totally be forgiven though if the story is excellent.


For one and a half hours you you follow around the odd duck of a character Lee Harker. She does some kind of sleuthing here and there and it is a very, very slow burn. The tension in the scenes always lead you to believe she is getting a little bit closer to solving these murders. I won't go into much spoilers of how these murders take place, but what I will say is the rug is pulled from under you in the last 5 minutes of the movie. It is such a curve ball it simply did not work for me. In the end everything Lee Harker was doing seemed useless. Speaking of useless, the killer does absolutely nothing. If he wasn't in the movie, the movie could play out almost exactly the same. It is a darn shame as Nicolas Cage is awesome, and does a good job in the movie. Heck, everyone does a good job acting in the movie. It has a creepy vibe and great cinematography, just the story falls so flat for me. I wouldn't say don't see this movie, but I think it would be painful to see it a second time. The marketing said this was the new Silence of the Lambs, it is not.

Friday September 13th, 2024
Tuesday July 30th, 2024


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